Sweet Morning Surprise

Summary: Klonoa prepares a special breakfast for Sunny.

Author's note: I love my future AU that I likely will never internally shut up about, so have a oneshot that is a father and daughter moment. We love healthy father-daughter relationships in this house. Any text in bold is meant to be sign language!

It was a rainy morning. Things were a bit slow, but that was perfectly fine for a day like this.

Klonoa was absolutely sure that he had the energy to do this extra step for preparing breakfast if it was only him and Sunny at home this morning. Lolo and Popka were with Skip at the hospital due to an adult being required to be there with him during an overnight stay, and Kana had stayed over at a friend’s house.

He had already gotten some toast and scrambled eggs prepped (along with a couple slices of bacon for himself), and was about to make some pancakes. It was a lot of work, yes, but he figured that both he and his daughter needed a bit of a pick-me-up after the day before had been so chaotic. The ingredients were already out, so there was no turning back. That would especially be the case if Sunny noticed.

Klonoa was getting the pancake batter mixed when he heard some light footsteps and yawning. He turned to see Sunny, who was wearing her short-sleeved pink Pac-Man nightgown, holding her beloved rabbit plush in her grasp, entering the kitchen.

“Good morning, sunflower!” Klonoa cheerfully greeted his daughter.

“Morning, papa,” Sunny mumbled, rubbing her eyes a bit while she took notice of what was happening. “Pancakes..?”

“That’s right, I’m making pancakes.”

The confirmation alone made the eight-year-old feel a bit more awake, as she was about to charge in to see what exactly was happening when her father had stopped her.

“Ah, hold on! There’ll be a surprise with these pancakes. Be sure to get ready before we dig in, alright?”

Sunny nodded her head. She set down her bunny plush on the wooden kitchen table, making sure it was sitting upright and facing her father, before rushing out to the kitchen to head to the restroom.

Klonoa swiftly got a very specific cookie cutter out, being sure to carefully pour some of the batter into it while the pancake cooked. These special pancakes wouldn’t be 100% perfect, but Sunny thankfully wasn’t super picky about things looking completely perfect when he did things like this for food. As long as they didn’t touch the other foods on her plate, she would be quite content.

Once they were done, he put the pancakes onto their respective plates, regular for him and shaped for Sunny, and gently placed them on the table next to two cups filled with apple juice.

“Ready!” the child’s voice squeaked.

Right on time, Klonoa thought as he turned to his daughter, whose eyes were now glued to what was on the kitchen table. She walked over to her plate and noticed what this exact surprise was that her dad had mentioned.

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and she started bouncing in place. She could not believe what she was seeing before her eyes at that very moment.

“They’re bunnies!!!” she cheered as she started to flap her hands. “Bunny pancakes!!”

Klonoa chuckled. That alone was a sign that he succeeded with cheering things up for the both of them. “Yep, bunny-shaped pancakes.”

It took a moment for Sunny to calm down from the sudden burst of excitement. The two of them had sat down and started eating shortly after.

“How are they, Sunny?”

She looked directly at her father. “They’re yummy! Thank you, papa!” she signed.

“You’re more than welcome, sweetie. It was my pleasure!”

She glanced over at her father’s pancakes. “Yours are regular?

“Mm-hm. I mean, you can make them Pac-Man-shaped if you cut a triangle out from the side? Would that count?” Sunny nodded her head, confirming his statement. She watched her father cut a triangle from the side of the pancake. The child could only say one thing as she noticed her father’s smile get a bit wider upon this realization; “Perfect.”