Please Don't Forget About Me

Tonight was the night to just sit outside and relax. It was a bit chilly, but to Kana, that was perfectly fine.

Kana had been laying down in the grass on this cold autumn night, staring up at the many constellations that were illuminating the almost pitch black sky. The child was wearing his beloved yellow scarf, a sky blue jacket, dark blue pants, and worn-out but well-loved purple sneakers.

A tiny smile crept onto his face as he looked around at each constellation he could see in the sky. Those stars were helping him feel comforted in a sense. It was nice to be somewhere quiet…

“I figured I’d find you out here.”

…but that voice interrupted the silence, and his faint smile had faded away. Kana had realized that it was Klonoa’s, his father’s, voice that he had just heard. His concerned voice. The child had heard his footsteps softly crunching in the grass, and he was now sitting next to him. That yellow jacket he often wore and the blue bandana he wore on his had been recognizable ever since Kana was very small.

The green-and-white furred child sat up, but he didn’t look directly at his father. Klonoa didn’t mind this at all. He knew that his son needed some time to open up whenever he got this anxious.

“You’ve been a lot quieter than usual ever since you came home from school. Is everything alright?” Klonoa asked.

After a few moments or so of silence, the child sighed as he finally looked at his father. Klonoa’s golden-brown eyes were definitely filled with both concern and a comforting warmth at the same time, something that Kana genuinely was not able to understand just yet.

“…you’re not gonna forget about me once the baby’s here, right?” Kana quietly admitted.

That’s right, Lolo had only broke the news to Kana that she was having a baby just this morning. And while Kana was ecstatic to hear the news and realize that he was going to be a big brother at the time… it seemed that he was now worried about that.

“Now, why would you think that?” Klonoa asked. “You know how much your mother and I love you, right?”

Tears were filling up in the Hyuponian’s crimson-red eyes and were rolling down his face. He faced down at the grassy ground once more. “‘Cuz I was adopted, and mama’s having a real baby!”' he blurted out. “And they’ll be treated better than me due to that!!”

“Who would say something like that to you?”

It took a moment for Kana to form out the words. “…Other kids at school.”

Klonoa held his arms out, offering a hug if his son needed it. Kana had immediately hugged him, starting to quietly sob as his father hugged him back. 

“I promise you that your mom and I will never forget about you. Adopted or not, you’re still a part of the family and we love you very much. Now, your sibling’s going to need a lot of attention and help since babies can’t do very much on their own. But I absolutely promise you that we’ll have time for you, too.”

The child sniffled. “You absolutely promise?” he whimpered.

If there was one thing Kana knew, aside from the fact that it was okay to cry as long as he didn’t give up, it was that promises were a very important thing. Not just to him, but to his parents and Popka as well.

“I swear on it, Kana.”

He had finally smiled through the tears, looking up at his dad.

“Take your time, and we’ll head back in once you’re ready, alright?”

Kana nodded his head. “Thanks, papa.”

“Anytime, bud.”