Time Skip

Status: Unfinished, planned to be rewritten once I have ideas clearly planned out!

Chapter index
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 6

“We’re finally heeeeeeere!!

Topaz could not keep their excitement contained, seeing that the group had finally reached the Sky Temple. The large white buildings and cobbled roads made it just as unique as the other areas of Lunatea.

“Oi, squirt. We’re just waiting outside for a bit until they come back with Lolo and Skip, alright?” Guntz questioned.

“Sure thing. Go get ‘em, Klo’a!” Topaz playfully smirked.

“Sunny’s napping right now, so it may be a while…” the older cabbit gestured toward the four-year-old who was fast asleep on his back. “But we’ll be back before you know it.”

“Perfect. Guess that means we’ll-”

“I call showing Guntz around!!” the seven-year-old shouted as they grabbed the older wolf’s hand (with him literally yelping in response) and dashed off to one of the nearby buildings.

To Klonoa, it was rather interesting that this child was able to quickly warm up to Guntz. It was almost like they already knew each other before all of this. He couldn’t help but quietly laugh at the sight as he then entered the main temple to look for Lolo.

It seemed that there was nobody here at the moment, but after Klonoa looked around for a moment and was about to take a step-

“Klonoa’s finally here?” he heard someone say.

The teenager immediately stopped in place as he noticed a couple of priestesses walking up to him and Sunny. Turns out there was someone here after all. Though, he did find it a little strange that someone would point him out of the blue here…

“Thank the goddess that you’re here!” the priestess who he had heard just a moment ago said.

“Lolo’s been looking for you for ages ,” the other spoke up.

Klonoa felt a bit hesitant to say anything back to them. Something felt off about these priestesses to him, though he didn’t have the time to figure out what it exactly was.

“Y-Yeah… Do you know where she’d be?” he finally answered.

“In her room. We all just had breakfast not too long ago.”

“Alright. Thank you.”

He started to make his way to the dorms, hoping that the worst was over right then and there.

“Is that little girl with him the kid that the little boy wouldn’t shut up about?” one of the priestesses said, just as he realized he was out of their eyesight.

“I hope so. Lolo’s always looking to be an attention hog, I swear. This’ll finally be over soon.”

Klonoa grimaced upon overhearing that. He hated the fact that Lolo still was being bullied, even after so much, such as the events on the moon, had happened to her. He loathed hearing others talk about her in that way.

It took the cabbit all of his strength to not confront those priestesses. Not in front of Sunny. She didn’t need to get dragged into this, nor was it good to make a ruckus at this time.

It took him a few minutes to finally get to Lolo’s dorm room, gently waking up the little cabbit and letting her off of his back as they had gotten there.

“You’ll finally get to see your brother again. We’ll help you with whatever comes next, okay? Oh, right, I promise you that Lolo’s really sweet. She’s always been that way ever since we were little.”

Sunny nodded her head, humming softly as Klonoa knocked on the door.

Someone had quickly opened the door. Not Lolo, but little Skip himself, whose eyes widened in surprise as he immediately noticed his twin sister.

Sun-sun!! ” he cried out as he rushed over to and hugged her. “You’re here!!”

“Nii!” Sunny hugged her brother back.

It genuinely was a happy reunion for these two, something Klonoa found very heartwarming after the past few days. It definitely made this little journey worth it. He motioned for them to head in as he entered the dorm, trying to hide the small amount of tears that had formed in his eyes.

“You’ve gotta draw everything you’ve seen so far,” the older twin said as he took his sister’s hand and led her inside. “I’ve just been stuck here. The people here are nice, though.”

Sunny let go of her brother’s hand and took a quick moment to observe the room around her. Same pale white-ish walls, some basic wooden furniture such as a bed and a dresser, a small nightstand next to the bed that had a couple framed pictures; one of a photo of Lolo’s immediate family (her parents and younger sister), and another photo with Klonoa, Lolo, Popka, and Chipple. There was even a small little dining area with a table and a couple of chairs.

And then the child saw Lolo standing right in front of the bed that Popka was sitting on, talking with Klonoa. She couldn’t believe who was standing right there in front of her, she was too excited about this realization-

“Mama!” she called out without thinking.

Both of the teenagers stopped conversing, with Lolo looking right at Sunny. Popka’s eyes also widened in surprise.


Sunny walked right up to Lolo, hugging her legs.

Klonoa stared wide-eyed at her. “…Did she just-”

“Skip almost called me mama several times, too,” the priestess admitted, holding her face with her hands. “Does this actually mean..?”

The little girl looked up at Lolo in shock, feeling like she had just made the biggest mistake in the world.

Her older brother did a double take once he clearly noticed Klonoa. “Papa?!”

Klonoa covered his mouth with his free hand, trying so hard not to shriek. He was in absolute disbelief. How was this even possible? He and Lolo had never even considered starting a family, certainly not this early into their relationship!

The priestess, in the meanwhile, was just as shocked. She had to sit down next to Popka, who was currently trying so hard not to freak out, as she was trying to process what these two had basically confirmed.

“Whaddaya MEAN you’re their kids!!” Popka suddenly shouted out. “I would’ve been the first ta know if it was even the case!!”

Everyone else in the room was rather startled by this sudden question, yes, but it looked like the twins were used to Popka’s outbursts.

The cabbit ended up taking a deep breath before looking over at the twins. “…I need to know the truth, you two. Are we actually your parents?” he asked. The tone of his question sounded rather stern, but it didn’t seem too intimidating to the kids.

“Yeah!!” Skip cried out.

“And how exactly is this the case?” Popka added to the question.

“Futuuuure!!” Sunny suddenly shrieked before she buried her head into Lolo’s lap.

“The… The future..?” Lolo questioned. “But… how?”

What did Sunny mean by that, exactly?

…it didn’t take too long for Klonoa and Lolo to realize what the little girl had meant just then. It sounded rather farfetched, but…

Time travel’s actually possible?!! ” they both shrieked, catching the younger twin by surprise.

“Yeah! It is!” Skip quickly answered. “Uuuuh… I dunno how to explain…”

“It’s fine, Skip. We just… we really need to process this.” Klonoa’s response was simple and straight to the point.

The older cabbit was absolutely certain that time paradoxes were a thing after hearing a bit about them in stories he had read before. While he knew that the twins likely had no idea of such a thing, what if their time traveling had catastrophic results for them? What would happen to him and everyone else , he wondered?

“...Klonoa, we… we really need to figure out how to get these two back home. Especially if what they’re claiming is true,” Lolo stammered.

“I know, but I don’t think either of us know very much about time travel! I just hope that they don’t do anything that’ll put them in any danger,” Klonoa sighed.

“Yeah, I know nothing about it either. I’m outta ideas too,” Popka admitted as he buried his face in his arms.

A few moments later, Klonoa snapped his fingers as he reached what he’d consider to be the best idea for now.

“Since all of us aren’t sure what to do, and I bet that Guntz will also be confused as to what’s going on if Topaz can’t give us proper context about this later on… I think that we really need to ask Pango about this.”