Minit's in Wonderland

Status: Unfinished, a work in progress! Planned to be roughly 8~9 chapters

Summary: A pop’n music adaptation of the beloved story, mainly inspired by the Disney and Hello Kitty adaptations! Starring Minit’s herself as Alice, with other pop’n characters portraying different roles!

Chapter index
Chapter 1 Chapter 2

Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit Hole

It was a cool, sunny spring afternoon. After a busy morning of getting some of the initial planning for their joint concert done, two idol siblings had decided to get some fresh air at the local park. While they’d normally be running around and playing games, Timer, the eldest of the two, had decided to read a book under the shade of a tall tree.

Alongside his usual iconic red rabbit hat, the brunette, red-eyed Timer sported a bright yellow hoodie, navy blue jeans, and red-and-white sneakers.

His cyan-haired, blue-eyed little sister, Minit’s, was wearing a baby blue hoodie jacket (bunny-themed, of course!), a pastel yellow skirt, white leggings, and yellow sneakers.

Just as Timer had wanted to read, Minit’s wasn’t quite as full of energy as she usually was. She didn’t even want to play on the playground’s swings today. She had been up later than usual watching idol videos last night (claiming to be studying for the concert), making her feel sleepier than usual.

“Timer, I’m kinda bored…” Minit’s groaned, flopping right next to her brother, “and maybe a bit sleepy.”

“No worries, it happens,” Timer gently reassured her. “Hey, did you want me to read to you?”

The idea alone had her feel a bit more awake. “Sure! Is it Alice in Wonderland again?”

“Bingo! I thought it’d be fitting since the upcoming concert is going to be Wonderland-themed!”

The child didn’t mind this in the slightest. It didn’t matter how many times her brother had read it to her, Minit’s always loved how much he’d put into narrating the story and even doing little voice impressions of the characters.

Minit’s had taken a quick glance at the book her brother was reading, noticing there were just lines of words.

“There’s no pictures in your book, niichan,” she bluntly stated.

“Ah, but never fear, Mini! That means we can use our imaginations!”

Mini was Timer’s nickname for her, one he had come up with when Minit’s was very little.

“Oh!! That’s a really good idea.”

Minit’s had listened as Timer started reading aloud to her, trying hard not to fall asleep. She was very curious, wondering what a world of her own would be like.

“Omigosh, I’m late, I’m late!!

The girl’s eyes widened as she heard the voice. “Huh?! Who’s there? Who’s late?!” she questioned aloud as she jumped up, looking around to see who exactly was late.

It was Mimi!! While her brown hair was in the usual twin braids, Mimi was wearing a fancy pink dress with an apron, white tights, and a pair of black mary jane shoes. But what had caught Minit’s’s attention was the fact that she was carrying what looked to be Timer’s favorite pocket watch in her hands!

“Ah! Mimi-neechan!!” The little idol began to chase after the rabbit girl, who was heading into the nearby forest.

“I can’t stop and chat! I’m running late!” And with that, Mimi had jumped into a nearby rabbit hole. “See yoooou!!”

“Mimi-neechan, wait!”

Minit’s stopped and peered into the rabbit hole, trying to see if she could spot where exactly Mimi was venturing off to. But before she could really think of what to do next, her hands slipped and she had fallen in.

Several moments later, she suddenly felt… lighter than before? Minit’s observed the area, seeing photo frames of many residents from Pop’n Town hanging on the walls and various pieces of furniture floating around her. She grabbed a clear jar with a “STRAWBERRY” label on it that had caught her attention.

“Ehh?! It’s empty?!” she cried out.

The child sighed as she gently placed the clear jar onto a table she was just passing by… only to then feel heavier before, and therefore, the fall was much faster now.

Minit’s was almost immediately greeted by a fluffy cloud-like landing, which she had fallen face-first into. She almost immediately sprung up, surprised that she wasn’t hurting at all.

“Alright, where’s Mimi-neechan now..?” Minit’s asked herself.

As if on cue, the brunette, green-eyed rabbit had run past her. Minit’s scrambled to run after her, hoping that she could catch up.